Meet the QAFAC policies
In this document, you will find all the policies which underpin QAFAC’s Code of Conduct. They are designed to provide guidance for ethical business conduct and ensure legal and regulatory compliance. Everyone doing business with QAFAC is expected to comply with these policies.
Why our policies matter
QAFAC has a strong culture of ethics and compliance but this suite of policies will ensure that we continue to evolve and do our part to address growing concerns in the world; particularly in the areas of climate change, sustainability and human rights. The policies outline our commitments as an organization and our expectations of all those who work at and with QAFAC. The policies also underline QAFAC’s commitment to ethical leadership, sustainable business practices and operational excellence.
How the policies are structured
The policies are structured around our core values of Safety, People, Excellence, Integrity and Responsibility and are aligned with the goals of QatarEnergy, the state-owned energy corporation with over-sight of the energy sector in Qatar. QAFAC itself is a critical component of Qatar’s energy sector downstream value-chain. When applied, our policies will bring our Code of Conduct to life.
What you can do
Please take some time to read these policies carefully and ensure that you understand them. If you have questions, note them and discuss them with a leader. Review our commitments and expectations to ensure that you are able to follow the policies in everything that you do with and for QAFAC.